Family Ambassador Program


Building a Bridge Between Rochester Catholic Schools and Our Community


The Family Ambassador Program encourages families to provide referrals to any one of the 14 Diocese of Rochester Catholic Schools. It is an opportunity for more of our community to discover the difference of a transformative, faith-based education.

Both the referral family and newly enrolled family will receive up to a $500 tuition credit when the brand-new family joins any of the 14 Diocese of Rochester Catholic Schools. The credit will be distributed monthly throughout the 2025-2026 academic year.

How It Works

A current Diocese of Rochester Catholic School family refers a brand-new family to his/her school or one of the other Diocese of Rochester Catholic Schools. To be eligible for the referral credit, the new family cannot be a former or currently registered family at a Diocese of Rochester Catholic School. If the new family registers, and remains at a Diocese of Rochester Catholic School, the referring family receives up to a $500 tuition credit.

The credit is distributed to the referring family’s account over the months of the 2025-2026 school year. The disbursement is contingent on the new family remaining at a Diocese of Rochester Catholic School and is funded by the school that welcomes the new family. In addition to up to a $500 tuition credit to the referring family, the newly enrolled family will also receive up to a $500 tuition credit.

In order to qualify for the Family Ambassador credit, all paperwork must be submitted to the school office within 30 days of the new family enrolling in their school program.

Family Ambassador Program Policies

Only one current family may receive the tuition credit for a newly registered family. The referral will be verified by the receiving school office and issued on a first-received basis. The Family Ambassador Program form must be submitted to the receiving school principal for authorization. The program applies to students in Pre-K 3-year-old through 6th grade. The current family receives credit for a family, not on a per-student-basis.

Additionally, the tuition credits cannot exceed a family’s tuition balance. Please note that the tuition credit will cease if the new family withdraws before the entirety of the tuition credit is disbursed.

For more information, please contact the Department of Catholic Schools at