Report Cards

Reports cards are an integral form of communication between school and family to access a student’s academic standing.

Report Cards issued in January and June.

Report cards for Prekindergarten 3 and 4 utilize a grading for learning approach and communicate academic performance and personal development using the following marking codes:

  • E – Exceeds Grade-Level Diocesan Standards

  • M – Meets Grade-Level Diocesan Standards

  • W – Working Toward Meeting Grade-Level Diocesan Standards

  • N – Not Yet Meeting Grade-Level Diocesan Standards

  • X – Not Evaluated At This Time

Report Cards Issued Quarterly

Report cards for Kindergarten through Second Grade utilize a grading for learning approach and communicate academic performance using the following marking codes:

  • E – Exceeds Grade-Level Diocesan Standards

  • M – Meets Grade-Level Diocesan Standards

  • W – Working Toward Meeting Grade-Level Diocesan Standards

  • N – Not Yet Meeting Grade-Level Diocesan Standards

  • X – Not Evaluated At This Time

Report cards for Kindergarten through Second Grade communicate learner behaviors using the following marking codes:

  • N – Needs Improvement

  • I – Improving

  • S – Satisfactory

  • E - Exemplary

Special content areas such as art, computer technology, music, and physical education are taught less frequently than other subject areas. To provide adequate time for assessment, report card grades for special content areas are communicated in marking periods two and four.

Report Cards Issued Quarterly

Third through Sixth Grade utilize a percentile grade for all subject areas.

Assignment grades for students in Third through Sixth Grade will be reported using the following breakdown:

  • 50% - Projects, Tests, and Quizzes

  • 35% - Classwork

  • 15% - Homework

The classroom teacher, under the supervision of the principal, has full discretion of how to categorize an assignment.

Report cards for Third through Sixth Grade communicate learner behaviors using the following marking codes:

  • N – Needs Improvement

  • I – Improving

  • S – Satisfactory

  • E - Exemplary

Special content areas such as art, computer technology, music, and physical education are taught less frequently than other subject areas.  To provide adequate time for assessment, report card grades for special content areas are communicated in marking periods two and four.

* All schools are required to report student progress to Catholic School families using the report card template provided by the Diocese of Rochester Department of Catholic Schools.